Calvary Chapel Moscow (Calvary Chapel 1905) is evangelical Christian church in Moscow Russia. It was founded in 1994 and was gathering near metro station "Ulitsa 1905 goda". Since there were several Calvary Chapels in Moscow, people started to call us "Calvary Chapel 1905" ( close to nearest metro), and then the word "goda" dropped. But what is important is that God through our faith calles us His children and that our names are written in Heaven. We rejoice in it and invite all to share our joy and the faith in Christ.
In June 1999, Konstantin Kretov became church pastor, who until now continue to serve in this church.
Moscow, Deguninskaya Ulitsa, 3k4
+7 495 455 0989
Worship time: Sun 11:00 am, Wed 7:00 pm
1. From Seligerskaya metro station on foot
2. From Mosselmash platform on foot